Friday, June 10, 2011

Nuchal Translucency Scan: *WHEW*

All signs point to a healthy baby so far! Today we met with a genetic counselor and had a nuchal translucency ultrasound. I won't speak for R, but I was super nervous. The genetic counselor relayed our odds of having a baby with Down Syndrome based on my age alone: 1/855 (0.1%). Based on a pretty comprehensive history she took down, our risk wasn't elevated - good start!

We then went in for our scan. I laid on a fancy version of a dentist chair (without arms). The sonographer came in and tucked some towels into my waistband and shirt, exposing my lower abdomen. She squirted (warm!) gel goo on my belly and we were off! She had a giant screen on the machine that she looked at, but R and I were both able to watch on a monitor on the wall - it was really cool.

She immediately spotted the baby ("the bean" or "the peanut," as she kept calling it) and it was wiggling around! It was so awesome to see it squirming and waving its arms around. She did all kinds of measurements and scanned around to see different parts of my anatomy as well as the baby's. She was a fantastic sonographer, as she talked to us the whole time and told us what she was seeing. She spotted the two most important things, the things we were holding our breath for: nasal bone (check!) and the nuchal translucency measurement (1.7mm and 1.4mm, R thinks he spotted - check!). The sonographer said the numbers and everything else look fantastic - all normal! We were so relieved that the rest of the scan was just SO much fun.

  • The baby kept leaping around, to which the tech would say, "ZOOM!" I laughed a few times and she had to remind me to hold still. It was REALLY hard not to laugh. I declared that I seem to be pregnant with a jumping bean, which caused the sonographer to laugh a lot. That made me feel better.
  • We loved seeing the flickering little heart just pounding away - so miraculous. The heartbeat was 167 bpm - perfect!
  • According to LMP dating, I should be 12w1d and baby is measuring 12w4d. Already advanced!
  • When checking out the baby's legs, the sonographer pointed out that its ankles were crossed - we could see one little foot poking toward us! 
  • We have one adorable picture of the tiny foot with tiny toes. I have fallen completely head-over-heels in love with those little toes.
  • We saw the baby's face and here's the truth: it looks like an alien. Seriously. We've decided to name it Skeletor. And I love my little Skeletor. 
  • In one picture, it's looking right at us and waving - if you can get past the alien thing, it's truly an amazing image.
  • The sonographer switched to 3D mode and we have one perfect picture of our little 3D baby - it is AMAZING!
  • The sainted sonographer even gave us a guess at the gender... but we're not telling yet. :)
And now, for the pictures!

Profile shot!
Arms and tiny hands!
Both legs - in #2 you can see the crossed ankles!
A foot, complete with tiny toes!
Baby Skeletor waving hello! 
3D baby - rubbing its eye and lounging with its hand behind its head!

After all was done, a doctor reviewed the results and came in to tell us it looks like we have a really cute and really healthy baby. We could not be more excited or relieved. The full results - including results from my blood work - will be back sometime next week. Next week is also when we'll unveil our announcement surprise. :) More to come!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your successful nuchal scan I wish for you a healthy happy baby! Keep up the great work! xxx
