Monday, May 16, 2011

Eight Weeks!

In some ways, it feels like time is flying by - I mean here we are at EIGHT WEEKS already! On most days, though, it feels like the days just crawl by - how can it ONLY be eight weeks?! I'm so eager for the first trimester to be over so we can tell people - people at work, our friends, and most of all, our extended families. This joy, the excitement, the sheer amazing and unbelievable miracle of it all feels like this shiny, glowing ball of sunlight inside of me that I have to let out before I start leaking beams of happiness every time I open my mouth to speak! 4 weeks to go...

In other news, the weather has finally turned to spring here. It is glorious, but it means I'm currently struggling with serious allergies: itchy eyes, sore throat, sneezing all the time. I see the C.N.P. tomorrow and can't wait to ask about what I can take to deal with this misery! I've also been having more frequent headaches lately and the Tylenol's not really cutting it - hopefully there's a remedy for that, too. Most importantly, I'm craving another view of my little peanut and am hoping they'll give me an idea tomorrow of when I can schedule my next ultrasound.

Mr. B and I are trying to decide where to plan our babymoon. We're currently leaning toward the Seattle area sometime this summer - it's exciting to think about a vacation when I'm feeling more energetic, healthy, and will hopefully have a cute little bump to carry around. :) More on the babymoon when we come up with a plan... for now it's just fun to dream!

I could go on and on, but let's get to the tracker:

Week: 8
Weight: +2 (total)
Baby is the Size of a(n): Raspberry
Symptoms: swollen & sore breasts, ridiculously tired (I fall asleep before 7 p.m. most evenings!), still hungry ALL the time (like teenage boy hungry), night sweats (eww!), more frequent nausea (I threw up for the first time this morning), and moody (grumpier than usual - don't cross the hormonal pregnant lady!)
Current Obsession: chicken fajitas, mac & cheese with grape tomatoes, chocolate-covered ice cream bars, grapefruit, pineapple, oranges, pancakes, salad with tangy vinaigrette, and I can't stop thinking about these tea sandwiches that I had last week - they were off the hook (crustless white bread with cream cheese and cucumber)
Current Aversion: beef, eggs, seafood, and anything greasy (this hasn't changed)
Thinking About: first OB appointment tomorrow, how desperately I want to tell people, nursery decorations and NAMES!!

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