Saturday, May 21, 2011

Nine Weeks!

Well, we reached a few milestones this week:
  1. Nine weeks! Only 4 to go until we can start telling people!
  2. Farewell embryonic stage, hello fetus-hood! That's right - our little nugget is a certified fetus now. We're so proud. ;)
  3. First OB appointment - this was one of the longer doctor's appointments I've had in quite awhile, but was rather uneventful. Here's the rundown: filled out some paperwork, gave a urine sample (I suspect that will be my favorite point of every OB appointment, given how frequently I need to go these days!), checked weight and blood pressure (good and great), then waited for the C.N.P. When she arrived, we talked through my very long list of questions, I received a book of information to read, and had a pap/pelvic/breast exam. She also tried to use the doppler to listen for the heartbeat, but it was too early (she made me promise not to freak out if we didn't hear it, because normally it can't be picked up until 10-12 weeks). Finally, they took about a liter of my blood (exaggeration), and I was on my way. My next appointment is June 14!
  4. Opted in for a nuchal translucency test. We had several choices as to what sort of testing we wanted to do, but as this was the option that came with an ultrasound (the only other one we'll get until the anatomy scan at 18-22 weeks), that's what we chose. Expecting that test between 11 and 13 weeks - another look at our baby soon!
  5. Morning sickness has arrived! I've been pretty darn nauseous for a few weeks now. This week, I finally threw up (and tossed in a few rounds of serious dry heaves just for kicks). Feeling sick is the pits, but it's reassuring to know all's well with the little one. Mr. B and I read that babies born to moms who suffered from morning sickness scored higher in cognitive and IQ tests, so he keeps comforting me by saying, "Just think 'Smart Baby'!" :)
  6. First hint at the baby's sex: a "science-based quiz" that suggests we're slightly more likely to have a girl! 
  7. Created a registry... of children's books! Mr. B and I both love books and can't wait to read to and with the baby, so I built an Amazon registry with almost 100 books to add to our little one's library. So exciting! 
  8. We're starting our weekly baby bump photos series! We've expanded our photo studio set up to include lighting equipment and back drop paper, and will aim for taking weekly profile shots of my bump on Saturdays. I'll post them here for posterity's sake - stay tuned!
That's it for this week. Here's the tracker:

Week: 9
Weight: +3 (total)
Baby is the Size of a(n): Green Olive
Symptoms: swollen & sore breasts, even more tired (if that's possible), hungry but less famished, actual morning sickness, and moody (considering giving Ryan permission to call me "Pregzilla" when I get really crazy)
Current Obsession: mac & cheese, chocolate-covered ice cream bars, grapefruit, pineapple, oranges, pancakes, salad with tangy vinaigrette, and sour candy (Sour Patch Kids, Sour Skittles, and Lemon Heads)
Current Aversion: beef, eggs, seafood, and anything greasy (this hasn't changed)
Thinking About: how exciting it will be to tell people, picking nursery furniture, starting a registry and dreaming up names!

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