Monday, May 30, 2011

Long Weekend Update

We have (or, I should say Mr. B has) been busy this long weekend! Saturday he dug up the remaining river rock from our three big beds in the backyard and hauled it to the dumpster, then he dug some trenches in the beds and dumped in some of the rock to help with drainage and grading. Yesterday we bought and he planted the annuals for our window boxes and loads of perennials for the backyard (including my personal favorite: seven peony bushes!). This morning we (again, Mr. B) went out in the rain and put down landscaping fabric over all of the beds, then I spread mulch on them. They're just gorgeous - I'm so pleased with the progress!

There's one project left: we had a long rock bed extending almost the length of our yard, which we dug up and plan to turn into lawn (after all, Baby B will need some space to toddle around in a few years!). First, we need to extend our sprinkler system to water that portion of the yard, then get grass or sod down. The space is prepped and ready now, so that project can happen any time.

This may all seem unrelated to the baby (and hence, the purpose of this blog), but our nursery will be in the back corner of the house, facing all of this new landscaping. I'm super excited to be able to open the windows back there next summer and see & smell those glorious flowers. :) The truth is, most of what we do now is in preparation for life with baby next year. What a happy and exciting thought!

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