Sunday, May 13, 2012


My first Mother's Day is underway, and it leaves me feeling very emotional (big surprise). Last year, I was early in my pregnancy when Mother's Day rolled around, so it didn't feel very legit to celebrate yet. R and I agreed that we'd celebrate our status as parents once we brought our little peanut safely into the world rather than count our little chick before she was "hatched."

The moment we met.

Well here we are, one year later, and I am a mom. I am E's Mama. I feel with certainty that it is the job I was put on this earth to do and I truly cherish both the privilege and responsibility. She is, without a doubt, my greatest gift, my sweetest joy and my proudest accomplishment. Given our struggle to become parents, today is sweeter than I could have possibly imagined. For me, this first Mother's Day and all that follow will not be a day about me, but about the sweet little girl I have the gift of parenting. She gives me more joy than I could have imagined. I love you, E!

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