Highlights from the twenty-second week include:
- Scrubbing Bubbles: For many reasons (including, but not limited to, the looming arrival of R's entire immediate family, the impending arrival of our baby, the possibility of refinancing our house, and what must certainly be the beginnings of a compulsive need to nest), we have been cleaning and purging like maniacs this week. After a grueling weekend of scrubbing, straightening, and streamlining, R and I surveyed our little abode with a great deal of pride and satisfaction. Our house has seldom been more in order. In fact, I commented, "It's so clean, it looks like we're moving out!" It's amazing how having everything in its place (and really, just fewer things in general) has inspired a real love for our little home. There's really no place I'd rather be!
- Slip Sliding Away: Saturday we had a scare during a trip to the store. When switching checkout lanes with arms full of items, I twisted my ankle and ended up hitting the deck fairly hard (flinging products to the four corners of the earth in the process). R was incredulous - why had I fallen?! I gingerly rolled my ankle around to see how bad the damage was and immediately noticed some blue "goo" on the bottom of my shoe. Looking around, it was clear that there was more blue goo splattered and dripped on the terrazzo tile floor - I'd slipped on something! Feeling happy that at least I hadn't just been clumsy, I was more than happy to pay for our items, fill out an incident report, and (gingerly) bustle off to the car. I did call the on-duty OB from the car to see whether he wanted me to come in, but he reassured me that "unfortunately, pregnant women fall all the time and usually only hurt their pride." A few stiff and sore days later, I seem to be no worse for wear. If Baby Girl's acrobatic extremes are any indication, she's doing just fine in there as well!
- One of Each, Please! We ordered almost all of the baby's furniture over the weekend (the last big item will be the crib/mattress combo, but we're having a hard time committing). This particular purchase was SO exciting - bringing home baby is starting to feel more and more real! We are hosting family this weekend and traveling next weekend, but after that we get to dig in to the project of getting the nursery in shape. I have so many ideas - more to come on that project soon! Here are the highlights of then nursery furniture:
- Budding Fashionista: Baby Girl received her first pair of shoes today from Aunt PK! Here's an adorable photo of what might really be the cutest pair of little boots the world has ever seen.
This was an especially thoughtful and fitting gift from our dear friend, as she happens to be a shoe connoisseur - looks like Baby B will be following in PK's "footsteps!"And with that, let's get to the tracker:
Week: 22
Weight: +9 so far (as of our Week 21 official doctor weigh-in)
Baby is the Size of a(n): Ear of Corn
Symptoms: so hungry (just so, so hungry), round ligament pain (especially on the right side - ouch!), tailbone pain when sitting for awhile, shortness of breath, congestion, very vivid dreams (I dreamed I finished the registry this week, but unfortunately that dream is just shy of coming true), and moodiness (noteworthy breakdown: called R sobbing after dropping the dogs off for grooming this week because "they seemed scared" and I felt terrible about leaving them there alone.To his credit, I couldn't actually hear R's eyes roll over the phone...)
Current Obsession: watermelon, Honey Nut Cheerios, heirloom tomatoes, cucumbers, all the vegetables from our farm share, apples, peanut butter, Greek yogurt, chicken, and milk, and lemonade
Current Aversion: eggs and seafood (not bad now)
Thinking About: who our little girl will take after; designing a nursery (the plans are almost done - time to get working!); finishing up our registry (it will be done by the time I write the Week 23 update!); and dreaming up names (I found a list of names I wrote up in about 2007 and would you believe all of our favorite names are on it?! Even stranger: our current favorite name is the top name on that old list! R said, "What are we agonizing over here - it's done!")
We had such fun designing the nursery! Enjoy it - for us, it turned out to be the last major house undertaking we did for a long time. The nursery has multiple paint colors, wall framing, etc. Benjamin's room (where he moved when Ella was born) has walls that we painted, but nothing fancy. Ella's room (where she moved when Isabelle was born) is still the original (beige) color that it was when we moved in. *sigh*