- Pop Goes My Belly: R and I looked through my bump photos for the past few weeks and realized that - holy cow - I "popped" sometime in the past week. I look huge! You can definitely tell there's a baby growing in there, as you'll see in this week's photo.
- I Feel Bad About My Belly Button: have you heard of that Nora Ephron book I Feel Bad About My Neck? Well, I relate, except my bad feelings are in regards to my belly button. The aforementioned popping seems to have turned my adorable innie into an outie! It is squishy and pokes out. To make him understand why it's freaking me out, I had R stop while walking down the street yesterday so I could lift up my shirt and have him poke it. It's so weird!! I heard two teenagers making fun of a pregnant woman with a really noticeable outie at R's tri last weekend. Now I'm obsessed. Chalk it up to yet another unexpected side effect!
- Give It to Me Straight, Doc: we had our monthly OB appointment on Friday. It was very uneventful, as they all are now. I weighed in (moment of truth!), had my bp checked (120/60 - same as every other appointment), had my belly poked and prodded (baby's still growing), and listened to the heartbeat (fast and strong). We got to ask our questions, though this particular doctor was pretty business-like and not very loquacious. My practice has 12 doctors and whomever is on call when it's time to deliver is the designated baby catcher. I'm endeavoring to meet all of the doctors before that time comes, so I see a different doc at each appointment. This one was decidedly not my favorite so far, but I'm trying not to let it bother me. The highlight of the appointment was scheduling our anatomy scan for August 11 - exactly 21 weeks!
- We Are Family: during our trip to Seattle this week, Baby and I got the chance to hang out with Aunt K & PV! It was so fun to see them - we had lunch at Elliott's, toured Pike Place Market (fish throwers! cherry samples! art!), wandered down to Pioneer Square for some insane caramel apples, visited Salumi (the Batali family's Italian deli), poked around a Finnish store, and purchased a gift for friends of K & PV. We then hiked back to my hotel and spent some time just chatting. It was just the loveliest visit and I felt so lucky to have the free afternoon of my work trip overlap with their vacation. Always fun to see family!
- Cold in a Heat Wave: of course, after my travel, I seem to have come down with a summer cold. The neti pot is saving my life, but I can't believe how sluggish, weak, and foggy-headed I feel. It's a bummer, but I know pregnant gals are more prone to picking up bugs, so I've sort of been anticipating this for awhile. I'm sure I'll shake it sometime this week, which will be just in time for our pre-baby getaway... more on that next week!
For now, on to the tracker!
Week: 17
Weight: +5 so far!
Baby is the Size of a(n): Pear
Symptoms: tired, hungry, dizzy when I get up too quickly, round ligament pain when sneezing/coughing/shifting positions (sneezed in bed last night and actually cried because I felt like I was being torn in half), tailbone pain when sitting for awhile, heavy & crampy feeling in lower abdomen, very vivid dreams, and serious moodiness (still rocking the waterworks, plus my filter is broken: I commented loudly that I'm 'breathing for two, here' when passing a smoker on the street in Seattle. Yikes!)
Current Obsession: sweets, blueberries, cherries, PANCAKES, tomatoes, all the vegetables from our farm share, peanut butter, red meat, and whole wheat English muffins
Current Aversion: eggs and anything greasy (this is pretty bearable now)
Thinking About: when R will be able to feel the baby move; whether we're having a boy or girl (we find out on 8/11!); designing a nursery; finishing up our registry; and dreaming up names (we have a strong contender for favorite right now!)
I've heard a trick for the belly button is to use a bandaid if it really bothers you! Though I think it's pretty cute.