Saturday, December 31, 2011

Our First Week: Ten Things

  1. Evelyn Esther is our daughter's name. We chose it first and foremost because it is the beautiful and dignified name that was written on our hearts for this child for a long time. Evelyn is a tricky name etymologically, but some sources say it means "desired" and no baby was more longed-for than this little girl! We also liked that it incorporated a nod to Lynn, my middle name and a name that many women in my family share. Esther was an easy middle name to choose, as it is my beloved grandmother's middle name and it means "star" - pretty perfect for a baby born on Christmas Eve! Finally, her initials are EEB, which she shares with her paternal grandfather - a special nod to someone with whom she almost shared a birthday (but thank goodness she didn't decide to wait the four days necessary to do so, as I was so eager to have her out!!). Many have asked us about the baby's name, so there's the back story!
  2. There is no smell on earth more delicious than that of my baby's head. Covered in downy, fluffy black hair, I wish I could sit and sniff her all day long. That, and nibble on her toes, kiss her perfect ears, and snuggle her tiny, soft body. I want to remember everything about the amazing and perfect tiny person that she is right now. I've never been so instantly in love.
  3. Newborns can't consciously smile, I know they can't, but I swear E does and it shatters my heart into a million tiny pieces every time she does. She has one giant dimple on the lower part of her right cheek and I'm telling you now, this girl will be dangerous when she flashes her smile in the future!
  4. R is a natural as a dad and don't tell him I told you, but he's over the moon for his little girl. Hearing him talk to her like an adult (but in a sweet and doting way) makes me smile every time. I think his favorite word to describe her is precious, and he's right! One favorite memory from this week: R was a little vigorous with the diaper ointment one day and E ended up with what looked like a white paste diaper. R sort of mournfully looked at me and exclaimed, "I made her butt look like a lifeguard's nose!" I laughed so hard I cried!
  5. I am notorious for nicknaming the people in my life that I love, though the nicknames usually fly fast and furious (i.e., I seldom stick with them). E already has a few nicknames from me: Squeaks or Squeaker, because of the sounds she made a lot in those first few days, and lately I've taken to calling her Birdie because she chirps like a little bird all the time. Also, she gives a scream when she's angry that sounds uncannily like an eagle. Interestingly, one of the other thoughts on the meaning of Evelyn is that it's from French and Latin origins and means 'bird" or "little bird" - very fitting!
  6. E had some challenges during her first week of life, losing weight faster and more dramatically than is healthy. We had four appointments in four days this week to get some help with this problem and - to make a long story short - we're now in the clear! Baby E is eating, pooping and gaining weight like a champ. (Side note: a lactation consultant we met with a few times this week referred to E as a "barracuda baby" because she's got such a strong, powerful latch and sucks with authority!) She's a pretty amazing baby and we're so relieved to see her thriving.
  7. We've noticed that E is a remarkably strong baby. She lifts and throws her head around during tummy time and she can tuck and roll from her back onto her side. It's vaguely terrifying, as we thought newborns weren't able to do these tasks, but we've been told by several medical professionals that big babies are often very strong babies and will hit many milestones early. So, although I've been joking all along that E will be an overachiever, it seems to be true!
  8. The puppies are equal parts smitten with and taken aback by the baby. They run to her at every chirp and coo, they watch her carefully, and they love to gently sniff and tentatively lick her in an effort to place what she is. The other day, E lay quietly awake in her crib and then started hiccuping. Cooper ran into her room, watched her - tilting his head from side to side with curiosity - then gave one startled "BARK!" They dote on her already, but I think it will take some time for them to figure her out!
  9. Allow me to be selfish for a moment and talk about myself rather than the baby: in the one week since E was born, I have lost 30 pounds (*shh* I know those were the easy pounds to lose!) and - most exciting of all - I have ankles again! I sometimes sit holding the baby and staring at my slender ankles, as I truly do not recognize them as my own! I'm starting to feel so human again! Knowing how much I want to get back to pre-baby shape, R gifted me personal training sessions at our gym. I have to be cleared by the doctor to start working out, but I am really excited for and motivated by this goal!
  10. We are tired. So, so tired. Although it is New Year's Eve and we expected to be wide awake with the baby at midnight, with any luck we will all be sound asleep. That said, here are my thoughts to close out the year: 2011 was the best year of our lives so far because it brought us our incredible daughter. I cherish every memory and moment of carrying her, but I am so relieved to have her here with us in the world now. I cannot wait to dive into 2012 and watch her grow, change and become the person she will be. We are so blessed by this baby!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

And then there were three!

We welcomed Evelyn Esther to the world on Saturday, December 24, 2011 at 10:10 p.m. She weighed in at 9 pounds, 3 ounces and was 21.5 inches long. She is just perfect in every way and we feel so blessed to have her in our lives and as a part of our family.

We will share the story of her arrival here when we have a few free minutes. In the meantime, here are some photos of Evelyn's first days!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Thirty-Nine Weeks

I'll cut to the chase this week: we're still waiting for the baby! We made it through Week 39 without many signs that our daughter is interested in making her appearance, much to my chagrin. I was very hopeful that she'd arrive by or before her due date, so every day that passes has chipped away at my good humor. I find myself increasingly short and frustrated, but am trying hard to stay in the moment and trust that this baby will come when she's good and ready. I said all of that in part to capture my current mindset (there's a not-insignificant part of me that believes I'll go on being pregnant forever), but also to set up the explanation for this week's bump photos... first though, how about some highlights from the week?
  • Farewell to Work: The first day of Week 39 was my last day of work! I'm on vacation until the baby comes, at which time my 12 weeks of maternity leave begin. R started vacation this week as well, also until the baby comes, after which time he's taking another couple of weeks to spend with us. It's so nice to have the mental separation from work to really start preparing for this baby. There have been errands to run and things we needed to do around the house, but more than that, we are trying to just soak in these moments and memories before everything changes for good!
  • Christmas Cheer: I intended to skip holiday baking this year, but after a frustrating Week 39 doctor appointment, R suggested we collaborate on some sweets to help pass the time. I picked two simple recipes (dark and white chocolate peppermint bark and frosted sugar cookies) and lo and behold, it's beginning to seem a lot more like Christmas around here! (Bonus: it has been a balm to my discouraged soul to have a little sweet treat before bed most evenings - yum!)
  • Stocked and Ready: In what is perhaps the truest form of nesting so far, R and I spent hours over the past few days preparing meals for our freezer. We have 30+ servings of various healthy and hearty foods carefully wrapped, labeled and waiting in the deep freezer in the basement. It should make eating foods we like and feel good about easier during the haze of those first few days. It was such a satisfying feeling that I sort of wish we'd started being this organized and proactive a long time ago!
  • Capture the Moment: R and I had a casual and sweet maternity photo shoot this week. We have some surprisingly lovely natural morning light in the house, so I was able to be comfortable and enjoy the cozy surroundings in which I've spent so much of the past 10 months growing this baby. R shared a preview with me of some of the images he captured and I'm so glad we took the time to do it. Once he has time to process the photos, I'll be sure to share. It's nice to have a few more sweet and sentimental images to share with the baby someday!
  • Waiting Game: And that's it - we're just waiting! I spend much of each day resting, napping, running errands, tackling a project here and there and analyzing every twinge, ache and contraction for a sign that labor is starting. I simultaneously want this baby out immediately and am a little intimidated by how much things are about to change once she's out here in the world with us. That tiny little sliver of fear is what keeps me sane when day after day slowly tiptoes by without any signs of progress... I think that's what they mean when they say "a healthy dose of fear." Anyway, we are trying to take each day as it comes and patiently wait for the day that will forever after be one of the most important days of our life.
Okay, on to the tracker and the aforementioned photos...

Week: 39
Weight: +42 pounds (in total)
Baby is the Size of a(n): a mini watermelon!! My original plan was to use the watermelon for Week 40, but we ran into a few issues: 1) watermelon are hard to come by this time of year, especially of a size large enough to represent a full-term baby and 2) I really did think I would have the baby before we got to Week 40 and we'd miss the chance to do the watermelon photo! Alas, that didn't quite turn out as planned!
Symptoms: frequently hungry, terrible abdominal cramps, really achy pelvis (SPD), breathlessness, outrageously swollen feet, mental lapses, wacky dreams, trouble sleeping comfortably through the night, general moodiness (noteworthy breakdown this week: total sobbing and incoherent meltdown while walking the dogs with R one night because I'm *still* pregnant and was convinced that I might be pregnant forever...), carpal tunnel tingling and numbness in my hands and arms at night, frequent (though not painful) contractions, and a fair amount of pain in response to the baby's strong, emphatic movements
Current Obsession: citrus fruit, milk, fresh vegetables, peppermint and protein, protein, protein!
Current Aversion: the Arby's Reuben sandwich commercials... so gross.
Thinking About: who our little girl will take after; seeing the actual little elbows, knees, hands and feet she's using to poke and jab at me; what labor and delivery will be like; and when our daughter's birthday might be!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Thirty-Eight Weeks

It's pretty shocking to realize that we hit single-digit days on the countdown this week! The baby's arrival is so close I can feel it (literally), and we are ready in so many ways. I'll explain further in this week's highlights:

  • Showered with Love: Baby Girl was the lucky recipient of not one but two generous and fun showers this week! The first was thrown by a group of colleagues-turned-girlfriends. They had sweetly planned games (a celebrity parents & babies guessing game and Baby Catch Phrase!), a delectable ice cream cake, and really thoughtful gifts! The baby received her Boppy, her going-home outfit (see below - too cute not to share!), some stroller toys and books - so many useful and special items. Those ladies, each and every one of them, are keepers. 
The next day, my current team at work threw a big shower for us, and R was even able to attend! For a game, every team member guessed the baby's birth date, weight and name, which have been so amusing to read. We had a Pizza Luce feast for lunch, a scrumptious and adorable cake, fun (and funny!) conversation, and more sweet gifts. This time we received our diaper disposal system, diaper bag, some bath and first aid items, and some really cute outfits and books for the baby. Again, I just cannot overstate how thoughtful, generous and kind my friends and colleagues are. I appreciate them all and cannot wait to share the big news of the baby's arrival soon!
  • Locked and Loaded: Two meanings for this particular highlight!
    • I can't remember if I have shared this already, but we received nearly ten different shipments of baby supplies this week! The multitude of boxes contained everything from a bath tub and hooded towels to diapers and a cozy car seat cover, not to mention several items I will need for nursing the baby. After washing, folding and putting everything away, we officially have all of the bringing-baby-home essentials ready to go! That means this little girl can come any time she darn well pleases now... hopefully it pleases her to come sooner rather than later!!
    • As mentioned last week, we had an ultrasound scheduled for this week to confirm the baby's position. It was with much excitement and a tiny bit of trepidation that we settled in for one last prenatal look at our baby. (I felt fairly confident that the baby was in position, so I wasn't overly worried). Immediately, the sonographer announced, "There's a head! Baby is head down!" and we could breathe easier. After that, it was fun! We were able to get some images of her profile (including some thumb sucking!), head-on photos of her chubby cheeks, button nose and pouty lips, and confirmation that she is - in fact - still a girl (at which point R really started breathing easier). We watched her perfect little heart beat fast and furious (at just shy of 140 bpm), which I would happily sit and admire all day. Finally, the placenta position and amniotic fluid were measured (all good) and we were on our merry way, photos in hand! We visited with the CNP who confirmed that all continues to be well with the baby, so we can just continue to wait for her to arrive now... again, we're ready!
  • Old Wives Tales: Given how ready we feel, I'm suddenly very open to hearing about and (within reason) trying various old wives tales to encourage the baby to make her appearance. This week, two in particular lined up beautifully: a full moon and a dinner party with R's colleagues wherein the hostess served some spicy green beans that have purportedly resulted in three previous dinner party guests going into labor! In spite of a generous helping of said green beans (which were delicious!), I woke up still decidedly pregnant this morning... ah well. I continue to sit, squirm and bounce on my exercise ball several times a day and take nightly walks with R and the dogs, but so far nothing seems to be encouraging this little girl to make her big debut. We'll see what this week brings!
  • Farewell Work (Clothes): I have 3-4 days left to tie up work loose ends, after which I am on vacation until the baby comes. I have made plans to work from home for those days and it's not an exaggeration to say that I am giddy at the prospect. Waking up early every day, getting ready, squeezing my gigantic feet into painfully uncomfortable professional shoes, and dragging my exhausted body to the office was starting to take an unpleasant toll on me. In fact, at my Week 38 appointment, I mentioned how bad my feet and ankles have become to the CNP and, as I showed them to her, she gasped and said, "I'm not going to lie to you, that's a really bad case of edema!" I don't think most people would believe how horrifying my lower extremities have become, so I've asked R to take some photos. I certainly won't be posting them anywhere (you're welcome), but I just need photographic evidence so I don't forget! I said all of that to say that sitting with my feet up for the week is the perfect way to close out this pre-baby chapter of my career.
I have a few nursery projects still to share (the gorgeous handmade quilt from my Mom and the pretty snazzy changing pad tray that R built for the dresser), but we haven't yet taken pictures of them... stay tuned! Until then, enjoy this week's tracker and photos and check back next week for updates.

Week: 38
Weight: +40 pounds (in total) and I'm okay with that... the end is near!
Baby is the Size of a(n): a stalk of celery (19.6" from head to heel; she's also getting heavier: 6.8 pounds (according to averages))
Symptoms: frequently hungry (R is impressed with my insatiable appetite, though I suspect he's not necessarily impressed in a good way!), heavy and full belly pains, really achy pelvis (SPD), breathlessness, outrageously swollen feet, mental lapses, wacky dreams, trouble sleeping comfortably through the night, general moodiness (noteworthy breakdown this week: cried in response to a commercial again, though I don't even remember which one...), carpal tunnel tingling and numbness in my hands and arms at night, and a fair amount of pain in response to the baby's strong, emphatic movements
Current Obsession: citrus fruit, milk, vegetables and protein, protein, protein!
Current Aversion: pretty much nothing...
Thinking About: who our little girl will take after; seeing the actual little elbows, knees, hands and feet she's using to poke and jab at me; friends' guesses in our Baby Pool; and when her birthday might be!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Thirty-Seven Weeks

It seems the milestones are flying fast and furious lately! 37 weeks means the baby is officially full-term and can safely come whenever she wants... key phrase there: whenever she wants. We just don't know when that will be, so now we wait! There's plenty for us to do while waiting, though. Some of the highlights from this week included:
  • A Fine Tradition: A few years ago, R and I started making trips in December to the Käthe Wohlfahrt store in Stillwater, MN. It's the only U.S. location of a lovely little German Christmas store with delicate and detailed handmade wooden ornaments and other charming decorations. We purchased 10 ornaments our first year, and now we go back every year to add a few more to our collection. Those ornaments and some really cute felt ornaments are all that we put on our tree... it's fun to see it fill up a little more every year, and the time we spend together on these little jaunts is very special to me. We went this weekend and in addition to some other adorable finds, we added one very special ornament this year!
  • It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas: As we left the Christmas store in Stillwater, big fat snowflakes began falling and continued through the night. When we made it home, we finally put up our Christmas decorations while the snow softly and quietly piled up. Sitting in our cozy living room now with the tree twinkling and the stockings hanging by the chimney, I'm thinking the only thing missing is a sweet baby to hold and sing Christmas carols to. (Side note: I relate to the song "(Baby) All I Want for Christmas is You" a whole lot more than usual!) No matter what happens this year - whether the baby arrives before or after Christmas - our holidays will never be the same! So much of the magic of the season is best experienced through the innocent joy of kids and I can't wait to see and share that with our daughter in the years to come.
  • Stocked and Ready: Because we are feeling the pressure of being so close to the end of this pregnancy, R and I went on a buying spree this week and ordered or purchased the last of the necessities for the baby's arrival. By Wednesday of this week we should have all of the diapers, blankets, towels, first aid products, bath items and nursing supplies we could initially need. What's more, we purchased the remaining items I need for my hospital bag(s), so by 38 weeks we should be all set to grab a bag and head for the hospital at the drop of a hat (though I suspect we'll have a fair amount  of warning). It's nice to at least feel like we're physically ready for the baby... the rest will hopefully happen one day at a time once she's here!
  • Flipping Out: So the (only) big surprise from this week's OB appointment was some uncertainty by the C.N.P. we saw as to whether the baby is head down or possibly breech. All along, the doctors have been asserting that she's been head down, but the C.N.P. was unconvinced. As such, we now have an ultrasound scheduled at our Week 38 appointment to check the baby's position. We're sure hoping the baby is oriented correctly, as we'd like to avoid the discomfort of attempting an external version or a scheduled C-section. As crazy as it sounds, I'd like to experience labor! I'm not terribly concerned, as I still think she is head down, but we'll feel much better after seeing for ourselves next week! (Also, getting to see the baby once more before delivery is an unexpected bonus!) More to come as we learn more...
And with that, I'm sleepy and my *last* pre-baby week in the office starts bright and early tomorrow. Time for the tracker!

Week: 37
Weight: +37 pounds (in total) - the C.N.P. reassured me this week that several of those pounds are likely water weight from all of my swelling (you guys, the swelling is SO gross!!), so not to stress about this too much. I'm trying!
Baby is the Size of a(n): a stalk of kale (just over 19" from head to heel; thank goodness we're briefly flipping back to length instead of weight, as she's weighing in at approximately 6 1/3 pounds this week (according to averages))
Symptoms: frequently hungry, heavy and full belly pains, really achy pelvis (SPD), extreme shortness of breath, outrageously swollen feet, mental lapses, wacky dreams, trouble sleeping comfortably through the night, general moodiness (noteworthy breakdown this week: ended up staying rather late at work one night this week and cried mournful, hungry, overwhelmed tears all the way home - woe is me!), and a fair amount of pain in response to the baby's strong, emphatic movements
Current Obsession: fruit, milk, and anything from Victory 44 (we met some dear friends there for breakfast this morning - what a treat!)... that's pretty much it! I'm forcing down a fair amount of protein lately, as I understand it to be quite important at this point for the baby's brain development. 
Current Aversion: not much (we even had salmon for dinner tonight - unheard of)!
Thinking About: who our little girl will take after; seeing the actual little elbows, knees, hands and feet she's using to poke and jab at me; securing a pediatrician; having our car seat installation checked for safety; writing some thank you notes; packing a hospital bag; and encouraging this kiddo to get and stay head down!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thirty-Six Weeks

Nine months! As I've said before, I believe pregnancy is guilty of false advertising. Nine months of pregnancy is a complete misnomer, as the average pregnancy lasts 40 weeks and thus, ten months! If you think nine months is the finish line, there's a very rude surprise waiting at wait 36: four more weeks of baby-growing and waiting! Not only that, but from what I hear (and have already begun experiencing), the last month is the real doozy... Well, rather than belabor the point here, I'll tell you about it in this week's highlights:

  • No Rest for the Weary: Sleep has become increasingly elusive in the past week. I fall asleep fairly easily, but sleep very lightly and am up multiple times throughout the night. Most mornings, I wake up between 3:00 and 5:00 and struggle to go back to sleep. I have been off work for five days and haven't slept in once... I just can't! I have been putting the early mornings to good work and getting things done, but I will admit to naps and dozing off on the sofa early in the evenings. Everyone keeps telling me this is nature's way of preparing me for the sleep deprivation that comes with a newborn. That's great, but I don't have a newborn yet, and I'd sure like to have a bit of energy when it comes time to actually deliver this baby! As such, I'm working on getting as much rest as possible when I can.
  • The Incredible Expanding Lady: As my doctor so eloquently put it at my 36 week appointment on Friday, "Yeah, the weight gain is happening now, isn't it?!" Ouch. It's true, though! I eat so well, hardly ever losing control or eating empty calories, and I walk with R and the dogs every single night. It doesn't seem to matter, as I'm blowing the 1-2 pounds a week rule of thumb out of the water. In an effort to not completely freak out about the weight gain, I have two thoughts: 1) some amount of the weight gain is definitely due to water retention (remember my gigantic feet?) and 2) I'm not gaining weight in an unhealthy way, so it must be what my body and baby need. I'm eagerly looking forward to getting my body back in a few weeks and starting the work of becoming lean and mean again!
  • Quilted Together: As we can't really travel far from home anymore, R and I will be home for all of this year's holidays. My parents, sister and her boyfriend joined us at our house for a Thanksgiving feast on Thursday. I had cleaned the house and prepared as much of the meal as possible the day before, so once they arrived Thursday (with DONUTS no less, sweet people!) I sat on a perch in the kitchen and relied on the expert help of everyone else to execute the meal to perfection. They were all pros in the kitchen and by early afternoon we had a delicious meal: perfectly roasted turkey, garlic smashed potatoes, sausage and bread stuffing, turkey gravy, whipped sweet potatoes, green beans with toasted almonds, cranberry chutney, deviled eggs, and warm rolls! For dessert we feasted on chocolate cake, apple tart, and pumpkin pie with whipped cream and vanilla bean ice cream. We took a family walk in the evening to ward off the impending food coma - it was such a beautiful evening to spend outside together! One of the highlights of the day, though, was receiving the baby quilt that Mom made! She and I had shopped for the fabric together, I sketched out an idea for what I thought the quilt could possibly look like, and she just ran with the plan. The finished product is adorable. Both R and I love it and were talking about the sweet moments our baby will spend on, under, and wrapped up in the quilt in the years to come - it's so special! (Note: It's been gloomy since Thanksgiving so we haven't had a chance to snap a nice photo of the quilt. Once we do, I'll post it here!)
  • Date Night: R and I took in a movie this weekend: The Muppets! R said any movie we see now has two important criteria: possible for me to sit through without a bathroom break and unlikely to make me "ugly cry" (as I've said so many times, it takes very little to turn on the waterworks these days). We enjoyed the movie and caught a glimpse of our future: there were little kids everywhere in the theater, giggling, dancing, and talking along - it was adorable! 
  • Thankful: There have been a few times in my life where I feel with crystalline clarity how blessed I am and how much I have to be grateful for, and this Thanksgiving was one of those times. I have accomplished a fair amount so far in my life, but without question, I am most proud of and thankful for the life that R and I have created, nurtured, and will soon bring into the world. What's more, I have a husband so loving, supportive, protective and grounded that I know I can take on the challenges of being a mother.  Our daughter will be so lucky to call him Dad! I love my little family and I am so excited to see what the future holds for us!
Because I'm sure you just can't stomach anymore of my sappy musings, let's jump to the tracker:

Week: 36
Weight: +35 pounds (as of Week 36... *sigh*) 
Baby is the Size of a(n): about 5 grapefruit (just shy of 6 pounds - surprisingly heavy and awkward to hold with one arm, as you'll see in the funny way I'm standing in the photo!)
Symptoms: frequently hungry, heavy and full belly pains, really achy pelvis (SPD), extreme shortness of breath, outrageously swollen feet, mental lapses, wacky dreams, trouble sleeping comfortably through the night, general moodiness (ugh - I'm a total mess), and the start of really noticeable Braxton-Hicks contractions
Current Obsession: fruit and milk... that's pretty much it!
Current Aversion: not much!
Thinking About: who our little girl will take after; seeing the actual little elbows, knees, hands and feet she's using to poke and jab at me; finishing up the nursery and layette; securing a pediatrician; having our car seat installation checked for safety; writing up our birth plan and packing a hospital bag!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thirty-Five Weeks

35 weeks marks a fun pregnancy milestone: 35 weeks done and 35 days (5 weeks) to go! This was a busy week for us, as you can see in the highlights below:

  • No Turning Back: At our 35-week appointment (our last bi-weekly - now we go weekly!), my favorite OB in our practice told us that while we aren't considered full-term until 37 weeks, if labor were to start, they'd no longer try to stop it! That means whenever Baby Girl decides to make her appearance, all systems are go - holy cow! The truth is that I'd be thrilled if the baby came a few weeks early, but it's just so unlikely that I'm not getting my hopes up. In fact, I asked the doctor about induction. She said I can go as long as 42 weeks before they'd require me to be induced, at which point I told her I was done talking about this with her. ;o) This is such a good primer for parenthood: we have so little control!
  • Say My Name: R and I have officially committed to a name for our daughter, and it is just *so* lovely! It's been my favorite name for the past 4+ years (as evidenced by a list I found that I had written soon after moving to MN in 2007) and while it wasn't the top name on our joint list when we initially began dreaming up names, we just couldn't shake it! R has been calling the baby by this name for months now, but I was holding out just in case something "better" caught my eye. This week I gave up the search and ordered some adorable white wooden letters in order to put the baby's name on the wall, so that makes it pretty official. We love the name and it's deliciously fun to have a little secret that only we (and the baby) know for now. :o)
  • Come Clean: I found myself with a ton of energy over the weekend and put it to use doing some pre-Thanksgiving deep cleaning of our house. The most noteworthy accomplishment was the complete purging, cleaning and organization of our refrigerator. I told R that I kept walking past the fridge and it was like it was calling out to me to set it in order, so I finally just had to give in! I'm glad I did it, as the groceries we bought today for our Thanksgiving meal tomorrow filled up the newly-empty fridge in no time!
  • Let's Eat! R and I only worked Monday and Tuesday of this week, so today we were free to start our Thanksgiving preparations in earnest. We picked up our pre-ordered turkey and my long list of ingredients from Whole Foods, Penzey's Spices and Dogwood Coffee. Upon getting home, I dove in: prepared the brine, got the turkey settled in, made cranberry chutney, whipped sweet potatoes, cheese puffs (the French kind!), an apple tart, and chocolate cake(s). It was not entirely smooth sailing, as it involved a fair amount of time on my feet and required near-constant cleaning of the kitchen between dishes. I'm pretty tired! Hosting Thanksgiving at 36 months (which I will be ON Thanksgiving day) seems a little nuts in retrospect, but I feel lucky to have my parents, sister and her boyfriend arrive tomorrow to help finish the meal (more on that next week). It's my favorite holiday and I intend to soak in every moment!\
Okay, because it's been a long day and I need to get some rest for tomorrow's festivities, let's jump to the tracker now. 

Week: 35
Weight: +31 pounds (as of Week 35 - yikes! I cried in exam room and R - sweet man - helped talk/calm me down) 
Baby is the Size of a(n): container of Clementines (a touch over 5 pounds!)
Symptoms: still pretty hungry, round ligament and general "growing" pains, really achy pelvis (SPD), extreme shortness of breath, outrageously swollen feet (so bad!), mental lapses, wacky dreams, trouble sleeping comfortably through the night (because I can't get comfortable, I have to use the bathroom, or I'm hungry!), the beginnings of nesting, and general moodiness (so many breakdowns this week, notably hysterical crying at the trailer for the upcoming movie War Horse AND when I dropped and broke the apple tart I made), and the start of really noticeable Braxton-Hicks contractions (only one or two so far)
Current Obsession: red meat, all the vegetables from our farm share (especially squash and potatoes), apples, grapes, cinnamon applesauce, peanut butter, MILK (still!), vanilla almond milk, and the Signature Latte from our local coffee shop
Current Aversion: not much!
Thinking About: who our little girl will take after; seeing the actual little elbows, knees, hands and feet she's using to poke and jab at me; finishing up the nursery and layette; securing a pediatrician; having our car seat installation checked for safety; writing up our birth plan and packing a hospital bag!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Thirty-Four Weeks

Another week bites the dust! It's amazing how time can simultaneously pass in the blink of an eye and seem to crawl by agonizingly slowly. I feel so torn between wanting to rush through the rest of this pregnancy to just have our baby here with us in the world, and wanting to savor and cherish every second of this experience - every kick and wiggle, every thoughtful gesture from a friend or stranger, and every daydream about what it will be like to meet our daughter. Alas, time passes as it will and there's nothing to be done about it but wait and be in the moment.

Here are some of the moments that happened this week:

  • Dance, Dance Revolution: On Friday, R and I attended our friend PK's dance performance at the Cowles Center. It was a collaboration of Katha Dance Theatre and Robert Robinson & Co. The baby is apparently a huge gospel music fan, as every time Robert sang, she started squirming and kicking like crazy. R and I were cracking up as my belly leaped around to the sounds of the music. We agreed afterward that we need to buy some of Robert's albums to cheer/soothe her after she's born. Adorable!
  • Color My World: R and I took on a few decorating projects in the nursery this weekend. First we hung the adorable, handmade mobile that arrived this week. It's an orb-shaped butterfly mobile that flutters and spins in even the slightest breeze, and it's just darling above the crib.
The other project was creating and hanging some wall decorations. R and I picked out some fun, colorful fabrics in nursery and coordinating colors and a variety of embroidery hoops. I stretched the fabric in the hoops, trimmed off the excess, created a plan for how to organize them, and then we hung them on the wall. I cannot believe how darling the whole effect is - we are just in love with the baby's room (a good thing, since we'll be spending so much time in there).
  • The Baby Formerly Known as "Baby": R and I finally committed to a name for the baby this week when we ordered letters to spell out her name on the wall. It's very exciting to know the name we've loved from the beginning (and really, even before) will be the name we'll call our daughter forever. We look forward to sharing the surprise with family and friends in a few weeks, but for now it's a fun secret to have!
  • Feather Our Nest: I'm not completely sure, but I think I might be starting to nest a bit! I just had an overwhelming need to clean up the house this weekend, and the insane baking bug seems to have returned. I cleaned every room in the house, including truly mundane tasks like dusting blinds and scrubbing the bathroom floors. I washed and put away mountains of laundry and must have run the vacuum cleaner a dozen times. I made several dozen chocolate chip cookies, but because they didn't quite hit the spot (I need to stop straying from my tried-and-true recipe), I also made a giant pan of chocolate chip, peanut butter and oatmeal bars (delectable). We have a fair amount of produce to use up from our farm share, so I planned to make potato leek soup for dinner tonight. I couldn't shake the idea of making bread bowls, so I whipped some up and served the soup in them (which felt like quite a treat). Even after all of that, I still have a fair amount of energy. It's either the sleeping in we did Saturday and Sunday, or I'm getting the much-anticipated late-pregnancy burst of energy. Either way, I need to ride the wave!
For now though, I need to ride the wave to bed. I have to go to work tomorrow! Here's the tracker:

Week: 34
Weight: +26 pounds (as of Week 33) 
Baby is the Size of a(n): honeydew melon (4 3/4 pounds)
Symptoms: still pretty hungry, round ligament and general "growing" pains, really achy pelvis (SPD), extreme shortness of breath, outrageously swollen feet (oh, this is so bad), mental lapses, wacky dreams (even R had a dream that the baby was born fast - in the triage room at the hospital before I had time to get to a real L&D room!), trouble sleeping comfortably through the night (because I can't get comfortable, I have to use the bathroom, or I'm hungry!), the beginnings of nesting, and general moodiness
Current Obsession: granola, red meat, all the vegetables from our farm share (especially squash and potatoes), apples, grapes, cinnamon applesauce, peanut butter, MILK (still!), vanilla almond milk, and the Signature Latte from our local coffee shop
Current Aversion: not much!
Thinking About: who our little girl will take after; seeing the actual little elbows, knees, hands and feet she's using to poke and jab at me; finishing up the nursery and layette; securing a pediatrician; taking maternity photos and getting newborn photos scheduled; having our car seat installation checked for safety; pre-registering at the hospital; and starting to try the baby's name on for size...

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thirty-Three Weeks

The most noteworthy thing about 33 weeks is that we are only four weeks away from being full-term!! That feels pretty real, though the odds that we'll go that early are rather low.

With every day that passes I get a bit rounder and a bit more tired and a lot more ready to meet our daughter. I've been trying to take it rather easy and get plenty of rest, which is becoming increasingly challenging as comfort is extremely elusive. All of that said, life is going to change a lot in a few weeks, so I'm working hard to stay in the moment and enjoy this period for what it is.

How about some highlights?
  • Never Say Never: I thought I was done traveling at the beginning of October, but R and I flew home to Michigan this weekend for his grandmother's visitation and memorial service. The flight to Michigan is considerably shorter and more manageable than the flights I was taking to the west coast, and my edema didn't act up too much. It was a sad occasion for getting together, but it was so good to be able to be there with R's whole family (including our favorite nephew, E). Speaking of our sweet little nephew, I got to spend some solo time babysitting him this weekend. During our play time, I confided in him the name we're pretty sure to use for our little girl. Luckily, he's sure to stay mum, as he's less than six months old. :) Arriving home on Sunday was a relief, as now I really am done traveling. It's time to feather our nest! 
  • Giving Thanks: Speaking of our (baby's) nest, we received some really sweet gifts for our little girl from family this weekend. Baby's Aunt D & Uncle J gave her an adorable pair of marigold felted wool shoes:
Aunt K and PV had a gift that was really more for R and me than for the baby:  a special ham ("a frozen ham in a cooler for your bun in the oven") that will come in mighty handy this Christmas! My stomach just growled at the very thought! A friend of mine from work left a thoughtful gift at my desk over the weekend as well: a bottle of soothing bath salts to use when trying to ease my edema:
Finally, Mom and Dad B found a really sweet little lovey for the baby in perfect nursery colors:
We're so appreciative of our thoughtful family. We couldn't ask for a better group of individuals for Baby to call her own.
  • Doctor, Doctor: Prior to taking the trip this weekend, we went to my 33 week OB appointment. We're still moving right along! My blood pressure is rock star, my weight gain remains slow and steady, and my belly is measuring right on track. A quick check confirmed that Baby is head-down, though not dropped, and shows no signs of trying to make her big appearance yet. We snagged a copy of my medical records to take with us on the plane (and had fun reading back through the history of this pregnancy). I think that our next appointment is my last bi-weekly before starting to go weekly. That must mean we really are close now!
And with that, I'm falling asleep in the easy chair, so it's time to go to sleep! Here's the tracker:

Week: 33
Weight: +26 pounds (as of Week 33; +3 pounds vs. the Week 31 appointment) 
Baby is the Size of a(n): pineapple (just over 4 pounds)
Symptoms: still pretty hungry, round ligament and general "growing" pains, really achy pelvis (SPD), extreme shortness of breath, outrageously swollen feet (took my shoes off at my desk one day this week in order to prop my feet up and they promptly swelled up so badly I couldn't get my shoes back on!), mental lapses, wacky dreams (dreamed I had the baby and it was really easy! Let's hope this one comes true!), trouble sleeping comfortably through the night, the beginnings of nesting, and general moodiness
Current Obsession: granola, red meat, all the vegetables from our farm share (especially squash and potatoes), apples, cinnamon applesauce, peanut butter, MILK (is there anything more delicious?!), vanilla almond milk, and the Signature Latte from our local coffee shop
Current Aversion: not much!
Thinking About: who our little girl will take after; seeing the actual little elbows, knees, hands and feet she's using to poke and jab at me; finishing up the nursery and layette; securing a pediatrician; taking maternity photos and getting newborn photos scheduled; having our car seat installation checked for safety; pre-registering at the hospital; and starting to try the baby's name on for size...

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thirty-Two Weeks

Ring the bell, ladies and gentlemen: we have made it to the eight month mark! This feels like a tremendous achievement as long as I don't think about the fact that there are still two months to go... Week 32 highlights include:

  • All in the Family: My parents visited this weekend. We enjoyed a lovely Sunday afternoon of football, chatting and feasting on meatloaf, mashed potatoes, salad, and a fabulous cake chock-full of fall flavors. It was fun to spend some low-key time together (and it didn't hurt that the Vikings won)! One of the best parts of the visit was Mom's delivery of the baby's fitted crib sheets and crib skirt, which she handmade from fabric we picked out during her last visit. The nursery looks so much cuter as all of the pieces fall into place! Here's a quick photo we snapped of one of the four crib sheets - lovely:
  • Trick-or-Treat: R and I handed out candy during our last pre-baby Halloween this week. It was so fun to see the little kids (especially the really little ones) in costume and think about our own future adventures in trick-or-treating. As I love handing out candy, I proposed that maybe taking our daughter trick-or-treating can be a special Dad & daughter activity. We shall see! Favorite moments included the little boy who held out his bag and demanded, "Give me candy," to which I automatically replied, "Please?" I waited for him to repeat it back before giving him candy, much to his chagrin. I was gratified to hear his mother correct him as they walked away - there's hope for kids yet! There was a little girl in a princess costume who was wearing a bear-face stocking cap under her crown. I asked if she was a Care Bear, to which she disgustedly replied, "I'm a princess, duh!" ha - can't wait to see how many times we hear "DUH" from our little girl... :o) It was equally fun when a little girl asked R for additional pieces of candy and I heard him say, "Nope, only two per person. We have to save some for all of the kids." It's like a little glimpse into our parenting style. So fun! 
  • Rock-a-Bye: The baby's swing arrived in the mail yesterday, and I assembled it after dinner. It was fun to turn it on, crank up the included white noise options, and watch the dogs skitter out of the way, then slink back to check it out. The swing is so cute in the nursery and I look forward to using it to soothe the baby in just a few more weeks!
Okay, time to move on to the tracker so I can get to bed! We flip over to Week 33 in the morning and we have our next OB appointment tomorrow afternoon, so next week's post will include the latest from the doctor on our progress and status!

Week: 32
Weight: +23 pounds (as of Week 31) 
Baby is the Size of a(n): pie pumpkin (just under 4 pounds)
Symptoms: still always hungry, round ligament and general "growing" pains, really achy pelvis (SPD), extreme shortness of breath, outrageously swollen feet (I frequently have my shoes off and my feet propped up under my desk at work, but even that's not helping much!), mental lapses (I had to write myself a reminder note that I parked in an unusual spot yesterday. I posted it on the wall near my office doorway and my coworkers who spotted it had a laugh at my expense!), wacky dreams, trouble sleeping comfortably through the night, the beginnings of nesting and general moodiness (noteworthy breakdown: general fear of childbirth has left me crying a few times this week when I think too much about it... the good news is that's really the only way to get the baby out, so it'll have to be okay!)
Current Obsession: oatmeal, red meat, all the vegetables from our farm share (especially squash and potatoes), apples, cinnamon applesauce, peanut butter, MILK (we went through three gallons last week!), vanilla almond milk, and the Signature Latte from our local coffee shop
Current Aversion: not much!
Thinking About: who our little girl will take after; seeing the actual little elbows, knees, hands and feet she's using to poke and jab at me; finishing up the nursery and layette; securing a pediatrician; taking maternity photos and getting newborn photos scheduled; having our car seat installation checked for safety;j pre-registering at the hospital; and still pondering names (though I think we may have a winner!!)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Thirty-One Weeks

It's time to turn the page on another week tonight, so I'd better capture the highlights of the week quickly!
  • That's a Wrap: R finished the extensive and time-consuming task of updating our bedroom last night, much to the delight of everyone in our household. New recessed lights, ceiling fan, and fresh paint on the ceiling, walls, trim and doors. He worked so hard every night, and the resulting project is just so lovely!  It feels good to have the spaces we'll be spending so much of our time in once the baby comes all spiffed up and ready!
  • Fond Farewell: R's grandmother's long struggle with Alzheimer's ended this week when she peacefully passed away. It is a time of grief and relief, as we will miss her dearly but are grateful to know she is no longer suffering. We are sad that our little girl won't get to meet this great-grandmother of hers, but we'll make sure she knows how surprised and excited Grandma was to learn of our miracle girl - it's one of our favorite memories of her!
  • Toy Time: We ordered our little girl an adorable stuffed animal that we suspect may become her favorite "lovey" as she grows up. It's a handmade elephant ragdoll that the woman called Ellie. We don't know what our daughter will choose to call it, but it's really reminiscent of R's beloved childhood stuffed animal (Big Bear). We hope she loves her toy as much as he loved his! Here's a quick snapshot - how cute is she?!
  • Certified Parents: R and I took our childbirth and baby preparation class this weekend. It was an intense two days, covering everything from expectations and fears to natural comfort measures (read: massage and breathing). We learned about medicinal options, potential complications and interventions (scary). We practiced baby swaddling and learned how to give a newborn a bath. A pediatrician came in and spent a long while answering the questions of the almost-parents in the room. One true highlight was taking a tour of the hospital's labor & delivery floor. We saw the big, beautiful rooms with their whirlpool tubs and serene views and got excited: in just a few weeks our little girl will make her grand entry in just such a room! It is a daunting thought, but we know we can do it when the time is right. Both R and I were disappointed to "lose" our entire weekend, but were quite glad that we made the decision to attend. We learned a lot and had great opportunities for expectation setting, clear communication and practice. Just another thing to make this experience seem more real!
Tracker time!

Week: 31
Weight: +23 pounds (as of Week 31 - right back on track, as that makes 2 pounds in the past two weeks!) 
Baby is the Size of a(n): large squash (~3.5 pounds)
Symptoms: still always hungry, round ligament and general "growing" pains, really achy pelvis (SPD), extreme shortness of breath (our teacher told the partners in the room this weekend that it's okay for pregnant women to feel winded even just answering the phone!), mental lapses, wacky dreams, the beginnings of nesting (exhibiting itself as a need to vacuum and dust mop obsessively, plus a renewed compulsion to bake!) and general moodiness (noteworthy breakdown: too many to count this week, but I sure did cry through many of the childbirth videos shown during our class this weekend!)
Current Obsession: orange juice, oatmeal, red meat, all the vegetables from our farm share (especially squash), apples, cinnamon applesauce, peanut butter, milk, vanilla almond milk, and the Signature Latte from our local coffee shop
Current Aversion: not much!
Thinking About: who our little girl will take after; seeing the actual little elbows, knees, hands and feet she's using to poke and jab at me; finishing up the nursery and layette; securing a pediatrician; taking maternity photos and getting newborn photos scheduled; having our car seat installation checked for safety;j pre-registering at the hospital; and still pondering names